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Grandma’s Millefoglie Cake

SERVING: 8 people
AUTHOR: Matilde Vicenzi

Puff Pastry


2 Puff Pastry bases for cakes

500 ml of milk

6 egg yolks

50 g of “00” white flour

150 g of sugar

1 untreated lemon

125 g of pine nuts


Prepare the custard by boiling milk and lemon zest in a saucepan.

Meanwhile, beat sugar and egg yolks, then add flour by stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming and dilute with a little milk.

As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour it into the mixture and stir with a whisk. Cook it, and
keep stirring, until the mixture will thicken. Let it cool down.

Cut 16 triangles as similar as possible from the puff pastry bases. Assemble the portions of the cake by starting from one puff pastry triangle, a layer of cream and previously toasted pine nuts; repeat the process in order to form a second layer and decorate with chocolate chips and lemon zest sliced into strips.

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