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Red Berry Crumble with Amaretti di Matilde Macaroons

Crumbles are desserts that work for any occasion: perfect for a nourishing breakfast, a quick and tasty snack or a light dessert to end the meal.  In spring, my favourite pairing is fresh strawberries in season with the unmistakeable taste of my Amaretti Macaroons: delicious! A mouth-watering tip: serve it with some spoons of Greek yoghurt or ice-cream for an irresistible touch!

AUTHOR: Matilde Vicenzi

Amaretto di Matilde


200g Amaretti  Macaroons

400g strawberries

100g raspberries

100g flour

125g brown sugar

75g butter

a pinch of salt

juice of half a lemon


After pre-heating the oven at 180°C, wash the strawberries, remove the leaves and dice; wash the raspberries

Put strawberries and raspberries on the bottom of an oven-dish, cover them with the lemon juice and sprinkle with 25g of brown sugar.

Crumble the Amaretti  Macaroons, put them in a bowl with flour, 100g of sugar, butter, and a pinch of salt: mix with the hands to obtain a firm, crumbly dough.

Cover the strawberries and raspberries with the crumble, making sure it is distributed evenly on the oven-dish.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 20-25 minutes.

Allow to cool slightly and serve with some spoonfuls of Greek yoghurt or (if you are as gourmand as I am) a ball of ice-cream.

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